Personalized Nutrition Plan

Need a Nutrition Plan & Not A Coach?

This Nutrition Plan is created for the person who needs no coaching.

Some people need a nudge, not a hand to hold.  You know how to track your foods and how to look up macronutrient ratios online, but you don’t really know if you can trust the numbers, or how to actually start.

This is where I solve that problem for you.

Using the information you give me when filling out the form below, including things like how old you are and what your current activity levels are like, along with the Precision Nutirtion and Working Against Gravity methodology, I will calculate the most appropriate amount of calories and more specifically the macronutrients (protein, carbs & fat)  for you to consume each day.  Eating whatever foods you like to meet those macronutrient targets is exactly what it will take for you to reach your goals.

BUT, you won’t have to count macros for it to work. Using the Precision Nutrition method I share a way you can estimate the portions in each meal using your own hands.

What’s Included?

Within 48 hours of receiving your payment, I will review your data and start to create your plan.  If I have any questions or concerns or need further information I will email you.  Your personalized nutrition plan will be emailed to you as a PDF that you may print out. I’ll also send a few other handy PDFs to help you along your way.

What if I have more Questions?

You can find lots of answers in my blog here or on my Facebook page here.  Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly. If you need more consistent support or have more than a question or two to ask, I offer online nutrition coaching where you can ask as many questions as you like, as often as you like, in addition to having regular virtual check-ins where we review and monitor your plan and your progress.  You can learn all about that here.

This Nutrition Plan is for the person who needs no coaching.

Ready for your custom Nutrition Plan?  Fill out the form below and press the submit button.

You will be re-directed to make a payment of $74.99.  I will create a Nutrition Plan just for you and then email it to you along with a few other goodies.

[contact-form-7 id=”521″ title=”Calculate Nutrition Plan”]

Know that knowing is not enough? Having trouble actually doing what you need to do? My online one-on-one nutrition coaching might be just the right thing to help support you in your journey.  Learn more about online coaching options:

Custom Coaching