
Looking for Sustainable, Science-based, Life Altering Personal Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching?

This program uses Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach platform in order to deliver step-by-step progressions for learning and practicing the little actions that make good life skills habitual.  This is not a meal plan and there’s no macro or calorie counting involved.

This is a habit building program.

Through short, targeted, concise, daily lessons this process will help you delve deep within yourself to discover where you are at now and what you need to do to get where you want to be physically, mentally and emotionally.  With my support, ProCoach helps you build the essential and sustainable nutritional and lifestyle habits that will help you live well.

The goal here is something we like to refer to as deep health, a state that recognizes that while it’s about the food, it’s not ONLY about the food.  It is also about why you eat, how you eat, where you eat and with whom. It’s about who you are as a person and how you feel, in addition to what you eat.

It doesn’t matter how much you know about nutrition or how badly you want something – what matters is what you do (and what you do consistently).  Even a little action, when done consistently will move you forward. This program helps you break down those big goals like losing weight or changing eating habits into tiny actions that you can practicing doing every single day.

How Does it Work?

Fill out the application form linked below and within 24-hours I’ll be in touch. Together, we’ll determine which program is best of you. You’ll decide on a 6-month or 12-month commitment and make a payment accordingly. A ProCoach account will be created for you. You will be emailed an invite to complete the registration. Once registered, you’ll be prompted to fill out an in-depth intake form, and you’ll be introduced to the software’s lesson cards.  Once I’ve had a chance to review your completed intake form, I’ll get in touch so we can start working together.

What all is Included in this Offer?

Basic ProCoaching clients receive:

  • Access to ProCoach and the Precision Nutrition curriculum for deep health.
  • 10 daily lessons every two weeks that will help guide you towards building your essential, sustainable, good health habits, one tiny action at a time.
  • Regularly scheduled progress checks.
  • The creation of your own ‘Owners Manual’ – a guide you build yourself throughout the duration of the program.
  • One-on-one support, and an ally and advocate with regular contact with me as your coach.

What if I have more Questions?

You can find lots of answers on the FAQ page here, in my blog here or on my Facebook page here.  Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly with the occasional query. If you want to talk to me directly feel free to Get in Touch.

ProCoaching Guarantee

I want you to get as much out of my ProCoaching program as possible. I guarantee that if you show up every day, read your lesson and complete your 5-minutes of practice you will benefit this program, or I will give you a full refund upon completion of the 1 year curriculum. You’ve got nothing to lose, except maybe the habits that have been holding you back!  What are you waiting for?

Ready to get started?



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