Carbohydrates – You ARE What You Eat
Every single gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories, equating its energy value to that of protein. While carbohydrates are non-essential (because given the right circumstances, your body can create glucose), when it comes to fueling your body, they are king. Carbohydrates are your body’s first choice of fuel for every activity you do. As discussed in the section on metabolism and energy systems, recall that almost all carbohydrates are broken down into simple glucose (or sugar) molecules. For the 1st 20 or so minutes of all exercise, glucagon stored in the muscle (short term glucose storage) is broken down into glucose and is metabolized as our main source of fuel. The glucagon in muscle is then replenished by glucose in the blood stream. When blood sugar levels drop, the glucagon stored in your liver (long term glucose storage) will be broken down and released into the blood stream to replenish it. Read more “Carbohydrates – You ARE What You Eat”