We are not robots.
Processed foods have been manufactured to be everything we want and crave – literally on a fundamentally human, hormonal-based researched, basic instinct level. This is why they are so irresistible to us. Never eating a chip, or a donut cannot and should not be expected of you – by you or your coach.
Instead we aim for and encourage moderation. If we had to put a number on it (and we don’t), lets aim for at least 85% – 90% of our intake to be real, nutrient dense, minimally processed, whole foods. You know… Real food.
Then we can then fill the 10% – 15% left over with the less nutrient options we love to eat. And these numbers, or percentages are not set in stone. It’s a continuum where the more real food the better, but there’s room for the stuff we love too. This approach is flexible and allows you to consistently aim for better, making it sustainable for most of us.
I am consistently encouraging an increase in the amounts of high quality food sources that will maximize our intake of nutrients and micronutrients. As an added benefit, most real foods lead to higher levels of satiation and satisfaction, fewer cravings for junk foods, and a healthier sense of overall well-being.
Lets think about moderation and living on a continuum, instead of aiming for perfection.
Are you done with diets and food fads? Do you want to transform your body and your relationship with nutrition, and are you willing to put in the hard work to accomplish your goals?
I offer a program specifically tailored to help you break big goals down into small, actionable steps that you can do every day, easily in order to build sustainable healthy habits without feeling miserable about it. As a diet agnostic, I won’t tell you what to eat no matter what kind of diet you prefer. ProCoaching is a program that works, even for people who think they hate health and nutrition: