You don’t have to throw tires to get healthy. You don’t have to run marathons either. Let’s take a look at some more reasonable regulations.
U.S. Government Regulations
The U.S. Government Regulations for physical fitness are a good measure of what it means to be at a reasonable, healthy level of fitness. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state:
Adults should get at least two and a half hours (150 minutes) each week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity. You need to do this type of activity for at least 10 minutes at a time, as intervals shorter than this do not have the same health benefits. Adults should also do strengthening activities, like push-ups, sit-ups and lifting weights, at least two days a week.
Where to Start
So, where do you start? If you’re starting from nothing – meaning, you haven’t exercised in so long that you’re not even sure where your sneakers are – walking is a great way to start.
As a fitness coach, I have heard all the excuses. You don’t have time to go to the gym, you don’t have the money to pay for a gym membership, it’s too far away, you don’t want to buy a treadmill, you don’t have room in your house for an exercise bike, you don’t have anybody to work out with…
Great. Do you have a body? Because I’m kinda thinking you do if you’re reading this blog post! And really, that’s all it takes.
Squats, wall sits, sit-ups and push-ups are great simple exercises to do that don’t require a gym. If you have a body, you have a built-in gym. You just have to move.
No Time?
Aw, I feel for you. I guess you don’t have to exercise. NOT! Do you have a Sonicare toothbrush that goes for 2 minutes? Great. Turn it on. For the first minute, do squats. For the next 30 seconds, do leg lifts to the right, and for the final 30 seconds, do leg lifts to the left.
Do you use a Clarisonic to scrub your face? Awesome, there’s another minute. Do a wall sit for as long as you can.
No one can tell me they don’t have time to exercise. If you have time to brush your teeth and wash your face, there is three minutes of exercise. Boom! You can build exercises into your life just about ANYWHERE.
Start today and start with moving just a little bit more than you otherwise would at a time when you maybe otherwise wouldn’t. Set an alarm on your phone for once an hour and every time it beeps, do a squat or a jumping jack. Find a way to make every day tasks just a little more aerobic – vacuum with the music up loud and turn it into a dance.
You don’t have to throw tires to get fit. You just have to move more, more often.